Tickseed Wallpaper

Coreopsis, also known as "tickseed": Grow as a perennial as far north as Minnesota (Zone 3). Tall, wiry stems with few leaves. Individual flowers are usually 1 inch across. Bright yellow petals surround darker brown center; look like daisies. Loves heat. Deadhead spent flowers or cut for bouquets. Grow as a perennial.

Tiger Lily Wallpapers

Initially a flower of the Orient, the Tiger Lily is now spread across continents for its sheer beauty and sweet scent. Though the ancient Chinese used it mostly for its medicinal and edible properties, later that aspect of the Tiger lilies diminished in importance and it became an attractive garden flower all across the world.

Tiger lilies are characterised by bright orange petals with spots like those of a tiger, hence the name. Mostly orange or deep orange-red flowers, but are also seen in yellow, red and pink colors. In China, they are grown mainly for its medicinal value; the flowers are said to relieve congestion, and the nausea during pregnancy; the edible bulbs of Tiger lilies are often baked and used in many popular Chinese dishes, they taste like potatoes.

The Tiger lily essence is used in therapies due to its soothing effect on mind and body; the essence is assumed to bring peace of mind, helping one to control aggressiveness; the flowers are also used as menopausal remedies. There are some superstitions also connected with this wild flower; once people believed that smelling these flowers would give them freckles, a similar spotty face like the flowers.

Tiger lily flowers are easy to cultivate and require less attention. The bulbs can be purchased from your local florist. For those who are not much interested in growing one for them, there is the option of buying the flowers from the nearest flower shop or ordering flowers online from a plethora of Internet flower shops. You can even send flowers overseas by ordering flowers from online retailers. The flower shop will either send the flowers directly or arrange with their branch or a local florist to deliver the flowers to the person to whom you want to send them.

Flowers are attractive gifts for many occasions and the online stores allow you to select the colour and type of flowers from a wide range of flowers on display. It is the best option when you do not have the desired variety in your local flower shop. Since the Tiger lilies are easy to grow and do not need much investment and care, it is considered more profitable than orchids and cultivating them on large scale for local or overseas delivery can be an excellent source of income.

Tulip Wallpapers

If you love to wear pink, think pink and decorate in pink, you can grow a pink tulip flower garden in your yard next spring. There are a number of varieties of pink tulips that include single tulips, double (peony) tulips, fringed tulips, and parrot tulip. You can also find a variety of specialty pink tulips as well, which are much fairer than the legendary black tulip.

Usually pink tulips look best with various shades of white, light blue (usually a different type of flower rather than a tulip), magenta, or a variety of bright-colored tulips. Pink tulips look good in one and two colored tulip beds as well as in multi-colored tulip beds. You can plan ahead to design the tulip garden that you want. For example, you can purchase and plant tulip bulbs that bloom at the same time and reach the same height.

For example, the Apricot Beauty tulip is offers one of the palest shades of pink tulips. This tulip blooms in mid to late spring, that is from mid-April to mid-May resulting in a light pink - orange color. A parrot petal type of pink tulips is the Pink Fountain tulip which has fringed petals and blossoms in mid-Spring. Pink Impression tulips yield single jumbo blossoms that bloom in mid-season and reach a height up to 26 inches. The Strawberries and Cream Peony tulip is a double-blossom tulip that reaches a height of 18-22 inches in mid-to-late spring.

Another pink tulip is named the Angelique tulip. This one is a mid to late spring bloomer and it grows up to 18 inches tall. If you want a variety of colors other than pink in your flower garden it is recommended to mix this tulip with the Blue Hyacinths, a flower that is similar in type to the light purple Lilac. You could also plant this with a white tulip such as the Purissima Jumbo Deluxe White Tulip, which is a jumbo sized single blossom tulip.

Some online nurseries offer a collection of pink tulip bulbs. One colorful mix of pink tulips is the Appleblossom Pink Tulip collection which contains a mixture of both light and medium pink tulip bulbs and echoes the pink delight of apple tree blossoms. If you want to plant a pink tulip border around a flower bed, consider the Toronto Tulip, a single pink-edged vermilion tulip that reaches a height of only 10 inches.

All of the above are just a few examples of tulips that you can plant in a flower garden. This of course can be mixed with any color combinations of tulips that you want in your flower garden. Most of the time these are planted a few inches apart either in clusters of varied types of tulips or in one-color tulip garden patches.

A large part of choosing which colors would go together in a pink tulip garden is simple. Think of these basic combinations -- white and pink, red and pink, purple and pink. Think about what you choose from your pink wardrobe to dress attractively. The same thing goes for your yard. Look at the variety of pink tulip bulbs that are available. Then choose the ones you want, buy and plant them. Get ready to see your beautiful pink tulip flower garden get dressed up for a spring morning next year.

Trillium Wallpaper

Canada is renowned the world over for it's impressive variety of wildflowers and habitats. The sheer variety of flowers found in Canada is partially due to the vast expanse of land and the extreme variations in climate and habitat found across the country. At some point in their esteemed history, each province or territory in Canada has adopted an official flower to represent and symbolize their region. That being said, the official flowers for each province or territory are not necessarily unique to that particular area. Alberta first selected their official flower back in the 1930's. The Wild Rose (rosa acicularis) was selected to be the official provincial flower by a group of school children. 

The Wild Rose is a large, pink, fragrant flower that grows predominantly on rocky mountainous slopes. The Wild Rose, however, can be found in various areas of Canada. British Columbia designated the Pacific Dogwood as their provincial flower in 1956. The Pacific Dogwood, or cornus nuttallii, produces clustered cream coloured flowers which bloom in the spring and produce bright red berries in the fall. It's worth noting that the Pacific Dogwood is a protected species in Canada. Manitoba also allowed school children to select their provincial flower. In 1906, the Prairie Crocus was selected to represent the province of Manitoba. The Prairie Crocus, or anemone patens, is lavender-coloured and blooms in the early spring; often before all of the snow has melted. 

New Brunswick deemed the Purple Violet their provincial flower in 1936, at the request of the provincial Women's Institute. The Purple Violet, or viola cucullata, is a stemless flower that starts to bloom in May and continues throughout the summer months. Newfoundland / Labrador adopted the Pitcher Plant as their official provincial flower in 1954. The Pitcher Plant, or sarracenia purpurea, has a large wine-red flower with a red and gold centre. It grows primarily in marshland and bogs, and was shown on the Newfoundland penny coin in the 1880's. It is worth noting that the purple Pitcher Plant is the only member of the genus to inhabit a cold temperature climate.

Nova Scotia's official provincial flower is the Trailing Arbutus, which is commonly known as the Mayflower. It was made official in 1901, and it's pale pink and white blossoms flourish in the springtime months from March until May. The Mayflower, or epigaea repens, is a spreading shrub from the Ericaceae family and is known for it's lovely fragrance. Ontario selected the White Trillium as it's official flower in 1937. It is generally found in deciduous forests and woodlands, and is easily recognizable by it's while, three-petalled flowers. The White Trillium, or trillium grandiflorum, is a protected species in Ontario provincial parks. In 1947, Prince Edward Island adopted a member of the Orchid family as it's provincial flower. The Lady's Slipper, or cypripedium acaule, flowers in late May and is commonly found in moist, shady woodlands. It is easily recognized by it's lovely pink flowers, and is characterized by it's slipper-shaped pouches. 

The predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec chose the Madonna Lily as their provincial flower. It was initially chosen due to it's likeness to the Fleur-de-Lis on the provincial flag. Ironically, this flower is not native to Quebec. In 1999, the provincial flower of Quebec was changed to the Blue Flag Iris. It is commonly found in marshes, meadows and along stream banks throughout the province. Saskatchewan selected the Western Red Lily, or lullium philadelphicum, as their official flower in 1941. A protected species that grows in semi-wooded areas and meadows, the Red Western Lily produces distinctive orange and red blossoms in the summer months of June to August. It is also featured on the provincial flag of Saskatchewan. The Northwest Territories provincial flower is the Mountain Avens; otherwise known as dryas integrifolia. It was selected in 1957. It produces small, white flowers and is quite common in the northern tundra of the NWT. It flowers in the springtime, and grows in barren, rocky areas in full view of the sun. The territory of Nanavut chose the Purple Saxifraga as their flower in the year 2000. 

Otherwise known as saxifrage oppositifolia, it is easily recognized by it's bright purple star shaped flowers which appear shortly after the snow disappears for the season. The Yukon Territory selected the Fireweed as their floral emblem in 1957. The Fireweed, or epilobium angustifolium, produces small clusters of dark pink flowers. On average, the stems on these flowers range from three to seven feet tall. Their peak season ranges from July to September.

Violet Wallpapers

One certain type of blossom that is found all throughout the globe, in temperate climates, is the African violet. It happens to be documented for being a understated blossom that is characterized by a timid form of beauty. You may also know this blossom as the pansy, which happens to be an alternate name to call it. This calm little blossom is one that does not attempt to draw much attention and this is why it is viewed as significant since it symbolizes the individuals in the world that add a lot but don't demand anything back or make a big fuss out of themselves. A wonderful aspect of sending these flowers to a person is that you will be opting for a flower that is not given very frequently, plus it has a unique appearance all to it self.

When it comes to this particular bloom, they come in as many colors as you can think up: purple, blue, eggshell and even gold. Not just this, but there are certain kinds that are available in more than one shade added together to make for a daring look few other blossoms can provide. You should keep in mind, however, that if you are to choose a blossom for the fragrance that it carries, violets are not really a great choice. Because of a chemical found within the bloom, you should only be able to smell them once prior to the biology kicks in and your nose can't pick up on their smell. This is completely normal and nothing to fret over. Some individuals even feel that this makes the violet even more special to this bloom.

Another very strong feature the violet is that it is extremely simple to grow. You should be able to grow this plant in any pot inside your house or plant it outside where it will also thrive if it is watered. This gives this blossom a strong aspect to it because it is enduring even though it has a alluring quietness. It makes sense then that when Napoleon died, there happened to be violets found in a locket around his neck. This was a tribute to his one love and is a legendary use of the bloom. This, accompanied with the knowledge that violets happen to be used in a huge range of natural medicines, makes the violet a good choice to express your admiration for other people.

If you buy these flowers, please remember that you are able to buy the flowers in a container and ready to raise. With even the most elementary level of care, violets will thrive so they definitely do act as a present that lasts years to come! 

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Wallflower Wallpapers

Late tulips can also look excellent with old fashioned red, yellow, orange, purple, rose pink or white wallflowers. Some brilliant color schemes can be devised, with both bright, eye catching plants and gentler, more subtle shades. The fringed tulip, which has lilac colored petals, creates a strong contrast, for example, with rich orange wallflowers, whose scent is welcome on a warm sunny evening. A more restful color scheme could be achieved by substituting a pale primrose colored wallflower or even a rose pink or purple form. Wallflowers are usually treated as biennials, that is, they are sown in late spring one year and the flowers are seen the next. They are normally sold in autumn; either as growing plants in bedding boxes or in bunches of eight or ten with just a little soil attached to their bare roots.

They should be thoroughly watered and planted as soon as possible in a sunny position, where they will start to flower the following spring. Once they begin to flower the show will continue for many weeks, contributing an informal, and cottage garden style to your pots and containers. For a combination of tulips and wallflowers, prepare the container in the usual way, using drainage material and a soil based potting compost soil mix. Plant ten tulip bulbs so that their eventual depth below soil level is about three times their own height, allowing for a 2 inches gap at the top of the container. Plant seven or eight wallflowers in a wide circle, choosing those plants with the best roots systems, discard the rest. Firm in the plants and water well. Place the container in a sunny sheltered position. 

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